Posts by Jeromy Deibler

Posts by Jeromy Deibler

Monday, April 19, 2010

McDonalds Monday

Good morning,

I hope this finds you doing well. I know it’s been a couple of weeks but I thought I needed a break from the Internet for a little while. I can tell I need to get away from it when I start to think about how I’m going to tweet or blog about every experience I have as soon as it happens. I’m not fully back though. We’re spending the week at Jennifer’s family farm near St Louis and they don’t have internet so I have to go to McDonalds to work. Don’t tell Jim Kreider, but the coffee here is pretty good. Merridee’s has better food though, except for the hash-brown pucks they still serve here.

Jennifer and I just got in last night from a weekend in Texas. Since 1985 the MS Society has been hosting a bike ride from Houson to Austin every spring and this year they asked us to take part. On Saturday the riders, about 13,000 of them, left Houston for the day-one 90-mile leg. They camped in the one-horse-town of La Grangne that night. Jennifer and I played a concert for them there . Then on Sunday they rode another 60 miles to Austin and collapsed. This is the first MS event I’ve been able to be a part of since my diagnosis in 2007 and it was a bit overwhelming. To think that the money being raised would go to help me and others like me brought about gratitude I didn’t expect. My friend Sarah, from Houston, who I’ve known since she was 11, rode especially for me and at the concert she presented me with the bandana she was wearing with my name on it. So cool, I was so honored.

I’ve got a lot of things to tell you but I can’t type them all right now. I hope you have a great couple of days! I’ll be in touch –

Peace and Rest



  1. I have some good pictures from Saturday. It was great to hear you sing and hear your story of MS. Sherry Turner

  2. Hi Jeromy,

    Thank you so much for playing for us in La Grange and sharing your story. That was a special concert for us, too, as it was the first time we partnered with 89.3 KSBJ to bring Christian music to our event. As a staff member of the National MS Society, I have no words to describe how amazing it was to hear your music fill that place and hear the gospel spoken in front of my co-workers and hundreds of cyclists, volunteers, and friends at the Fairgrounds that day.

    I have been thinking about you and Jennifer a lot ever since that day, wondering when we could have you back again. Maybe we can convince you to come back to Houston and do something with the National MS Society again. God has given you this platform and I believe you can reach many people to raise awareness about MS.

    Thank you again. It was great to meet you and I look forward to seeing you again soon!

    Kelli Dreiling in Houston
