Posts by Jeromy Deibler

Posts by Jeromy Deibler

Sunday, September 13, 2009

What It Feels Like

Hi Friends, Jeromy Deibler here. This is my first attempt at a proper blog. Some of you are coming over from Some of you have been led here by a google search of my band, FFH, and our newest single "What it Feels Like". Either way, thanks for being curios enough to stop by.

Some quick info... I was born in Lancaster PA in 1974, that makes me 35. I lived there till 1995 when my fiance, Jennifer, and I moved to Nashville. We were married in November of 95 and began traveling together in my band right away. In 03 she gave birth to Hutch. In 06 we moved to Africa, in 07 we moved home. In that same year I was diagnosed with MS and Jennifer gave birth to Sadie-Claire. This November we will be married 14 years. FFH will have been a band for 17 years.

Life has never been "normal" for me. My last "real job" was washing cars for my Dad's auto dealership when I was 17. Since then I've been a traveler, a journeyman. I'm thankful for this life but it has been a very difficult at times, especially these past few years. The difficult times have been sweet though. I've felt the hand of God in ways that I've never expected. I realize now, more than ever, that this life is a sojourn in a foreign land. If this blog becomes anything it will be a written account of what that sojourn feels like.

Safe travels - Jeromy


  1. Jeromy,
    Welcome to the blogosphere. Looking forward to continue to follow you guys in your journey. Going to be out in Franklin from Oct. 1 - 4th. Not sure if you're going to be around but would be fun to say hi again.

  2. Hi Jeromy,
    This is the first time I've ever posted a comment on a blog site.

    My son, Alex, introduced me to your music a few years ago. Now, I'm proud to say I own all of FFH's recordings. I also had to privilege of seeing you perform in Minnesota a few years ago. I still remember the audience's dismay at hearing you would no longer be touring.

    How great that God has led you back into touring again - I hope FFH finds its way back to Minnesota one day again!

    Your album, 'Voice From Home,' is THE most amazing CCM recording I've ever heard. It's concept 'thread' of God's voice speaking to his believer like that of beloved child never fails to move me. I've practically worn on my copy and have given many away as gifts.

    I thank God for you, your beautiful Jennifer, and your ministry of music that touches thousands of lives. Know that your lives, your children, your health issues are being prayed for by your fans that love you guys so much ...

    God's richest blessings keep on pouring down, don't they?

    You are loved!

  3. Jeromy,

    My wife and I heard you on Moody radio today. We are so thrilled to hear what God has been doing in and through you and we're so excited that you have a new album coming out soon! Blessings upon you and yours!


  4. Welcome back! :) Your music has blessed me so much through the years, and you have all been missed. It sounds like quite a journey God has been and continues to lead you on, and thanks for letting us come along through this medium! May He continue to do great things in your life and may your story and ministry reach & touch many, many more people. You will be in my prayers, and I look forward to checking in! Your music is definitely being listed to over here in China (by me and my friends!) ;)

